Peak performance and consistent momentum without burning yourself out

Nourish and support your body as the sole driver of your business.

Join the waitlist to get £250 off the launch price

The one thing the ‘how to earn 50k this month’ girlies aren’t telling you about growing a multi-6 figure business? Your diet.

You’re lacking energy and motivation despite loving what you do.

You’re either constantly burnt out or on your way to burning out.

It feels like your body is betraying you—you know you need a shift.

You’re sick of knowing you could feel better and not doing anything about it.

The ‘grow at all costs’ seems inevitable at the beginning of your business.

But, we all know now that success isn’t instantaneous, right? As sexy as it sounds.

Sustainable success is what many female entrepreneurs are attempting to build now after being burnt out too many times by the fast and furious growth tactics.

Thing is, sustainability can’t be built with an undernourished body that’s stuck in survival mode and struggling with the symptoms of nutrient deficiencies.

Together, we’ll help you get to a space of safety, abundance and nourishment.

The Energised Entrepreneur enters the Voxer chat

An 8-week program offering you the mentorship, education and accountability for you to create a diet and eating habits that nourish and nurture your body and business for personal and professional balance and protection from burnout.

A healthy, nourished body that works with you, not against you

Consistent energy day-to-day without the caffeine and sugar crutch

Tackle the hard shit in your business without menty bs

Reach your maximum potential and capacity without burning out

It’s not a simple case of ‘work less’.

We both know that’s not an action you’re going to follow or stick to.

The reality of being the sole driver of your business is there are always a million things you could be doing to move the needle forward.

Consistent momentum and peak performance during the precious hours you work will empower you to release yourself from the guilt of not doing it all.

What’s on your plate will create the optimal flow of energy, creativity and productivity.

It’s time to strengthen your foundation with food.

launching in Q4, join the waitlist to get £250 off the launch price

Join the waitlist now for £250 off the lower beta price when we launch in Q4

£533 x3 £450 x3

£799.50 x2 £674.50 x2

£1,599 PIF £1,349 PIF

3-hour-long calls (cosy chats over coffee) with CJ, dedicated to evolving your current ways of eating and working towards sustainable success and consistent momentum in your business.

Unlimited Slack support with real-time advice and check-ins as you nourish your body through the program.

Customised meal plans you’ll actually use and feel excited to dig into (as we’ll make them together).

4x pre-recorded webinars for you to understand how your body functions with food on a deeper level and build more empowerment in your choices.

The Vitality Vault to make your transformation feel as it should—natural, fun, and realistic as a busy female entrepreneur.

+bonuses & surprise delights along the way!

Ambitious female entrepreneurs who now feed their energy on the regular

“I just feel healthier and happier across so many different areas of my life.

“If you want to feel better in your body I would highly recommend CJ and her program. I feel amazing!”

“I loved the level of support, CJ was genuinely excited and cared about my journey. I also loved her anti-diet culture approach and evidence-based nutritional methods and education.”


Alice, Alice Björkstrand

“The improvement in my energy, mood and digestion has been amazing.”

“The impact on my period (less PMS, less pain, and lighter) as well. These are all substantial changes I was not expecting but have been game-changers. I feel a lot less hangry and a whole lot more nourished!”

“I've had a lot on my plate this year in particular, what with launching a business, planning a wedding and parenting two young kids. I'm so happy to eat potatoes again, and will never again dream of skipping breakfast!”

“I feel a lot more in tune with my body, instead of at war with it.”

Steph, Cosmic Mondays

Hey babe, I’m CJ

From one entrepreneur to another—

After a decade of spinning too many plates in London’s start-up scene, facing constant stress and job instability in high-pressure environments—my declining health made me hungry for change. Qualified as an AfN Cert Level 4 nutrition consultant to align my career with my passion obsession with food.

Today, I help female entrepreneurs energise and nourish to avoid burning out by maintaining their health and strengthening their foundation as they build their legacies so they can savour every morsel of their businesses and personal lives.

Nutrition and beyond… What you’ll get

🍽️ 3x 1-1 Deep Dive Nutrition Sessions with CJ: From food diary and daily habit reviews to meal plan creation, we’ll track your progress and arm you with everything you need to thrive through the program.

🍽️ Unlimited Slack Support with CJ: For 8 weeks, I’ll be right there with you, offering real-time support and check-ins. Whether you need a pep talk or a practical tip, I’ll be your go-to guide as you nourish your body and reclaim your energy.

🍽️ 4x Pre-Recorded Webinars: Understand the ‘why’ behind the recommendations as you get to know your body and food on a deeper level. These modules are designed to fit into your busy life, giving you the tools without the overwhelm.

🍽️ The Vitality Vault: Unlock resources designed to support your journey to sustainable success—energy and performance trackers, morning page prompts, nutrition cheat sheets, a stocked freezer guide, supplement lists, cooking playlists, meal planner, and a collection of energy-boosting recipes to make your kitchen a haven of nourishment.

The modules

    • Get familiar with the story of energy of this planet.

    • Master the energy management cycle.

    • What it means to nourish vs neglect your health.

    • Learn how to produce high quality energy with food.

    • Dive deep into the food and nutrients your body needs to thrive (and why).

    • How to make nourishing your body easier.

    • Start regulating your body's stress response and nervous system.

    • Connect the gut and the brain.

    • Learn how to support your immune system with food.

    • Lead with a health-first mentality

    • Prioritise yourself in times of chaos

    • See prevention as the recovery

Extra toppings…

🍽️ Mini Challenges: Bringing the joy to your kitchen! No more stress over meals — just delicious, energising food that fuels your sustainable success.

🍽️ Wake Up Welcome Package: My slow morning coffee playlist, energising morning page prompts, and of course, healthy breakfast ideas.

🍽️ Better Sleep Package: Drift into a restful sleep with a curated wind-down playlist, ideas for your own evening routine to end your day on a rejuvenating note.

How it works

Sign up to the waitlist to find out when this program launches.

You’ll have the choice to either pay and get started or book a chemistry call with CJ.

You’ll get a questionnaire to fill out and access to what you need before the first session.

Your journey towards becoming an Energised Entrepreneur begins!

Launching in Q4, join for £250 off the beta price.

Are you ready to become an energised entrepreneur?

You’ve been shoving your burnout symptoms—chronic stress, anxiety, fatigue, inability to switch off the all-consuming racing thoughts—to the back burner, now they’re a full on grease fire.

Your sleep is terrible.

You’re randomly getting more spot breakouts, nails chipping, dandruff, tension, bloating, constipation, and PMS that’s being a bit of a bitch. P.S. It’s not random 👀

You’re desperate for more balance, but without the guilt you’re worried will come with it.

You get overwhelmed by food choices and you lack ideas, so convenience usually wins the ‘what’s for dinner?’ question.

You’re a breakfast skipper, a constant snacker, a lunch-at-my-desk eater or a grazer-over-meals-typa-gal.

Your history of disordered eating and negative relationship with food still hang over you—you want to finally break free and feel joy from food.

You feel out of sync with your body and disregulated. Which feels crappy.

You want to stop putting off the inevitable: You need to put yourself first in your business and feel good about it.


“My skin is much clearer, my digestive system is regular, and my planned meals are balanced and nutritious. I’m no longer relying on sugar or on caffeine to survive a day, instead, I have energy to last the day, rather than spikes of energy and mini-crashes afterwards. CJ’s program is life-changing!”


“I feel so much better mentally, physically, and empowered! I have more tools and knowledge to live a healthier life and now have the techniques as well as knowledge to put this into motion. If you want to learn about your body and how to be your best self, I’d recommend CJ in a heartbeat.”


“There were days when I never took a lunch break and would eat convenience/snack food while working. Some lunches were a piece of toast, but then I would snack an hour later again because I was hungry. I talk about CJ whenever I hear people say, ‘I don’t have time for lunch’! She rebuilt my relationship with food.”


“My time with CJ has literally changed my life. I have a far better understanding of my body, driven by knowledge of what’s on my plate and movement—I’m also sleeping better, I’m significantly more energised and feel like a happier, bouncier me!”


FYI we don’t do restrictive weight loss diets, detoxes, multivitamins or TikTok trends

On Her Plate is for female entrepreneurs who are ready to invest in feeling empowered through evidence-backed nutrition knowledge and individualised guidance from a mentor who understands the demands of running a business while maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Who we help fuel to flourish

We work with ambitious female entrepreneurs who are driven and committed to their businesses but struggle with fatigue and lack of motivation, often due to not eating properly or not understanding how to nourish their bodies. hey are seeking ways to feel more energised, motivated, and healthier so they can bring their best selves to their businesses.

And the ingredients are just right if they…

Value personalised guidance over blanket advice.

Need their support to be tailored to their busy lifestyles and unique needs.

Are ready to invest in their well-being rather than leaving it on the back burner.

Want a mentor who understands the demands of running a business while maintaining a balanced, healthy life.

launching in Q4, join the waitlist to get £250 off the launch price


  • It's an 8-week program, where you will be working 1-1 with CJ. Over the 8 weeks, you will educate and empower yourself to create long-term nourishing eating habits, strengthening your foundation to feel energised, motivated, healthier and bring your best performing self to your thriving business.

    How you will achieve this:

    • 4x 1-1 coaching calls + 1-1 Voxer chat with CJ.

    • A 60-mins kick-off session, with a food diary assessment, goal-setting and personalised metrics to measure throughout the 8 weeks.

    • 4x jam-packed pre-recorded modules to expand your knowledge of nutrition, food, and your body.


    • Vitality Vault—Nutrition cheat sheets, pantry & freezer checklist, a meal planner, and recipes to boost energy and banish burnout.

    • Charge Up Challenges—Fun activities to spice up your week and boost your energy

  • The Energised Entrepreneur is scheduled for release to clients in Q4 (October 2024).

    We ask that you join the waitlist now -- not only to receive the £250 discount on the launch price, but get first dibs on spots when the program launches.

    This is to give us time to tinker on things BTS and for CJ to have her first baby and step into motherhood for the first time.

    This is also why there's no official launch date forthcoming but if you're on the waitlist, you'll be the first to know when there is and grab one of the (very limited) spots that will available.

  • This offer is specifically designed for female business owners who are:

    • Tired and wired: You're burning the candle at both ends. Sleep slips away, yet you struggle to keep your eyes open. Always on the go, but feeling out of sync, you're ready to swap the overwhelm and anxious thoughts for a balanced, nourishing way of hustling.

    • Drained and de-motivated: Your hunger is insatiable, and your snacking is out of control. Focus eludes you, doom scrolling takes over, and despite your business growth, your motivation is at an all-time low. You're ready to swap procrastination for productivity and relish your work again.

    • Strung-out and always getting sick: Your relentless dedication to growth is taking its toll: energy is low, you catch every bug, creativity feels stifled, and procrastination is your nemesis. You're ready to swap burning out for burning bright and savor the sweetness of your success.

  • To access all the materials, you will need a Notion account (a free plan is fine), as this is where everything will be stored for you.

    Our 1-1 sessions will be via Zoom-you'll be sent the link to join the call as we book in the next session. You can book your first one with the link in the onboarding package.

    The pre-recorded webinars will be in the Notion dashboard, linked in a Loom video. You do not need a Loom account to watch the videos.

    Your ongoing support from CJ will be in Voxer.

  • Yes! There are currently three options to make your payment:

    • £666 x3

    • £997 x2

    • £1,944 PIF

  • Generally, we don't offer refunds for this offer. Only in specific circumstances, such as (but not limited to):

    • The client suddenly became seriously ill.

    • The client suffered a bereavement.

    • The client had to suddenly take care of a loved one.

    If you were in a position where you might need a refund and had to end the service, then CJ will speak directly with you about your situation.