On Her Plate creates a space where female entrepreneurs can find the energy and support they need to thrive in their businesses and savour every morsel of life.

A supporting diet must be baked into the foundations of your business, right alongside your core values and your ‘why’.

It fuels your energy, shapes your vibe, and dictates your health. It’s the essence of you.

Hey babe, I’m CJ

Qualifications & mission—

Qualified as an AfN Cert Level 4 Nutrition Consultant to energise, nourish, and educate female entrepreneurs with simple, personalised nutritional guidance, strengthening their foundation so their businesses can flourish and they can savour every morsel of life.

What to expect from me & my content—

Calm and approachable with “big sis” energy. Serene, by-the-sea vibe. Nurturing and empowering. I turn complex nutritional advice and science and make it simple and actionable for you, like a nutrition fairy godmother.

And beyond On Her Plate—

I’m a leap year baby, a Pisces and Manifestor, a natural advice giver, glass half full, introverted extrovert, coffee snob (cow’s milk flat white), would rather be floating in a pool in a villa somewhere hot, cats over dogs, city mouse (grew up in London), classic millennial, 90s baby, and mum-to-be.

Why female business owners choose On Her Plate

Bringin’ Big Sis Energy: “You can discuss anything with her and be met with support, compassion and understanding but also a firm nudge when you need it.

Education-Focused: Individualised nutritional guidance rather than generic myths and blanket advice.

Empowerment Through Knowledge: Understanding the food your body needs is like putting your phone on charge every night. Knowledge is power, babe.

Protection From Extremes: Generic weight loss, restrictive diets, diet culture and anti-diet culture are replaced with balanced, health-focused eating habits and mindsets.

Tailored To You (obvs): Women have unique physiology; your dietary advice needs to reflect that.

“Authentic & Honest”: We’re not about the trends or surface-level solutions. Expect evidence-based, practical advice so you get the real talk and info you need.

Real world experience

Chapter 1: Spinning all the plates

  • Thrived in London’s start-up scene straight out of university.

  • Enjoyed the fast pace initially, but the lifestyle took its toll on my health.

Chapter 2: Hunger for change

  • Faced constant stress and job instability in high-pressure environments.

  • Realised the need for a dramatic change due to declining health and well-being.

Chapter 3: Filling her cup

  • Pursued a growing interest in wellness and nutrition alongside my career.

  • Began training in nutrition to align my career with my passion for food.

Chapter 4: Full send

  • Furloughed and eventually made redundant due to the pandemic.

  • Used the disruption as a push to fully transition into my passion: Nutrition.

Chapter 5: The messy middle

  • Established as a weight loss coach, gaining industry experience.

  • Felt a moral discomfort with the focus on weight loss, realising it didn’t address deeper client needs.

  • Reflected on personal experiences with burnout and client challenges.

  • Recognised the entrepreneurial need for a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Chapter 6: On Her Plate, today

  • Now focuses on empowering entrepreneurs with nutritional strategies.

  • My offers boost energy, productivity, and well-being with long-term nourishing eating habits.

Who we help fuel to flourish

We work with ambitious female entrepreneurs who are passionate about their work but often find themselves feeling burnt out, low on energy, anxious, or stuck in a rut.

These women are driven and committed to their businesses but struggle with fatigue and lack of motivation, often due to not eating properly or not understanding how to nourish their bodies.

They are seeking ways to feel more energised, motivated, and healthier so they can bring their best selves to their businesses.

And when the ingredients are just right, they…

  • Value personalised guidance over blanket advice.

  • Need their support to be tailored to their busy lifestyles and unique needs.

  • Are ready to invest in their well-being rather than leaving it on the back burner.

  • Are looking for a mentor who understands the demands of running a business while maintaining a balanced, healthy life.


“My skin is much clearer, my digestive system is regular, and my planned meals are balanced and nutritious. I’m no longer relying on sugar or on caffeine to survive a day, instead, I have energy to last the day, rather than spikes of energy and mini-crashes afterwards. CJ’s program is life-changing!”


“I have been following the plan for one day and I swear, I have so much more energy today! The best part is, CJ really advocates for eating MORE of the right things, not less. That is super empowering (and energizing obvi). I don’t think there’s anything out there quite like this!”


“The improvement in my energy, mood and digestion has been amazing. The impact on my period (less PMS, less pain, and lighter) as well. These are all substantial changes which I was not expecting at all, but have been game-changers. I feel a lot less hangry and a whole lot more nourished!”


“My time with CJ has literally changed my life. I have a far better understanding of my body, driven by knowledge of what’s on my plate and movement—I’m also sleeping better, I’m significantly more energised and feel like a happier, bouncier me!”
