Need a refill of your cup?

Effortlessly operate at maximum capacity in your business without pushing yourself to your limits every day.

Serving up again in October 2024

The energy you put into your business is only as good as the food you put into your body.

You want to prevent burning out before it inevitably happens soon.

You’re at a 3-6 out of 10 energy right now. You want to be 8-10.

Procrastination is overflowing, therefore so is the pressure to do more.

You feel overwhelmed by food choices so convenience always wins.

You’re working late, cause you’re an singer entrepreneur.

I know you’ve heard all the advice before…

Gym bro protein shakes, green juice girlies and their promo codes…

But what if you had a plan that was actually designed for your life as a female entrepreneur who’s spinning many plates, not someone else’s?

This is why I do what I do: To give you the opportunity to hustle in harmony with your health.

Introducing That’s That CEO Espresso

A personalised plan of action and a 7-day meal plan you’ll actually be excited to use because you won’t have to disrupt your busy schedule.

Energised workdays that last past 3pm.

Feeling refreshed, rather than sluggish.

More output with less struggle.

Better sleep and a better mood.

As a tired woman who runs her own business but is struggling with productivity, and finishing your workdays feeling lazy and like you haven’t done enough—is it any wonder you’re pushing yourself to your limit?

It’s time to hustle smarter, not harder.

Returning in October 2024

What if focus and motivation for your work could come naturally, with ease?

£425 £375 PIF or £187.50 x2

The waitlist exclusive price!

An entire hour of 1-1, dedicated to unlocking effortless ways to nourish and nurture your body.

A customised 7-day meal plan you’ll actually use and feel excited to dig into.

Curated morning and evening routines that generate more energy without disrupting your schedule.

A pre-recorded webinar for you to understand your body’s energy management on a deeper level.

10 prompts for energising morning pages.

All delivered in a personal Notion Dashboard

To get first dibs on the exclusive lower price!

Female entrepreneurs who are buzzing about That’s That CEO Espresso

“I have been following the plan for one day and I swear, I have so much more energy today!

“CJ tailored the offer to my exact challenges of running a successful online business and being a mom to boot — I saw a way to reprioritize nutrition without having to rejig my whole day. And the way CJ approaches things is so that you really understand the "why" behind the decisions.”

“There's SO much advice out there when it comes to eating, CJ feels like my one go-to trusted source. The best part is, she really advocates for eating MORE of the right things, not less. That is super empowering (and energizing obvi). I don’t think there’s anything out there quite like this!”

Kelsey, Coming Up Roses

“The improvement in my energy, mood and digestion has been amazing.”

“The impact on my period (less PMS, less pain, and lighter) as well. These are all substantial changes I was not expecting but have been game-changers. I feel a lot less hangry and a whole lot more nourished!”

“I've had a lot on my plate this year in particular, what with launching a business, planning a wedding and parenting two young kids. I'm so happy to eat potatoes again, and will never again dream of skipping breakfast!”

“I feel a lot more in tune with my body, instead of at war with it.”

Steph, Cosmic Mondays

Hey babe, I’m CJ

From one coffee lover to another—

After a decade of spinning too many plates in London’s start-up scene, facing constant stress and job instability in high-pressure environments—my declining health made me hungry for change. Qualified as an AfN Cert Level 4 nutrition consultant to align my career with my passion obsession with food.

Today, I help female entrepreneurs energise and nourish to avoid burning out by maintaining their health and strengthening their foundation as they build their legacies so they can savour every morsel of their businesses and personal lives.

Your order is waiting…

The Espresso Shot - 1-1 Energy Enlightening Session with CJ: where we’ll dive deep into your current diet, routines, and habits. You’ll walk away with personalised recommendations that don’t feel like another to-do list.

Boosted Brain Power - A 7-day meal plan you’ll actually use: This isn’t just any meal plan — it’s one that fits seamlessly into your life, making nourishment easy and exciting.

On Charge - Morning and evening routines redefined. Let’s turn your rituals into energy-boosting moments that leave you feeling ready to conquer the day and able to wind down.

Brewed Brilliance - A pre-recorded webinar: To give you the “why” behind how you’re feeling and the steps you can take to turn things around. Because knowledge is the first step to lasting change.

Sip & Savour - 10 morning page prompts designed to help you reflect on your journey and stay energised along the way.

It all comes together in a personal Notion Dashboard — organised, accessible, and tailored just for you.

Extra toppings…

Loyalty Card: Redeemable as a free 20-mins catch-up call with me, 1-month post-session.

Barista Bestie: Optional 1-1 Slack Support with CJ for 1 week post-session: £90 PIF.

A Nourishing Menu: Free access to the On Her Plate cookbook for weekly nourishing recipes.

How it works

Follow the link to secure your spot when we return in Q4.

You’ll pay (either in full or payment plan) and book your 1-1 session.

Fill in the questionnaire in the confirmation email at least 24 hours before your session.

Post-session you’ll receive your Notion Dashboard, call recording & resources.

Serving up again in Q4, join the waitlist for the exclusive price!

Will this espresso hit the spot? Let’s find out…

☕ You know the basics, you’re just not doing them. You need a plan you can trust will work for you.

☕ You don’t just want to say you’re going to put yourself first, you actually want to do it this time.

☕ You want a deeper understanding of your body so you know what it needs to thrive.

☕ You’re sick of procrastinating and feeling the pressure of needing to do more.

☕ You’re a breakfast skipper, a constant snacker, a lunch-at-my-desk eater or a grazer-over-meals-typa-gal.

☕ You get overwhelmed by food choices and you lack ideas, so convenience usually wins the ‘what’s for dinner?’ question.

☕ Your history of disordered eating and negative relationship with food still hang over you—you want to finally break free and feel joy from food.


“My skin is much clearer, my digestive system is regular, and my planned meals are balanced and nutritious. I’m no longer relying on sugar or on caffeine to survive a day, instead, I have energy to last the day, rather than spikes of energy and mini-crashes afterwards. CJ’s program is life-changing!”


“I feel so much better mentally, physically, and empowered! I have more tools and knowledge to live a healthier life and now have the techniques as well as knowledge to put this into motion. If you want to learn about your body and how to be your best self, I’d recommend CJ in a heartbeat.”


“There were days when I never took a lunch break and would eat convenience/snack food while working. Some lunches were a piece of toast, but then I would snack an hour later again because I was hungry. I talk about CJ whenever I hear people say, ‘I don’t have time for lunch’! She rebuilt my relationship with food.”


“My time with CJ has literally changed my life. I have a far better understanding of my body, driven by knowledge of what’s on my plate and movement—I’m also sleeping better, I’m significantly more energised and feel like a happier, bouncier me!”


FYI we don’t do restrictive weight loss diets, detoxes, multivitamins or TikTok trends

On Her Plate is for female entrepreneurs who are ready to invest in feeling empowered through evidence-backed nutrition knowledge and individualised guidance from a mentor who understands the demands of running a business while maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle.


  • It's a unique package, blended together to help female entrepreneurs infuse their workdays with an energy boost. Included in this offer is:

    • A 1-1 60-minute energy-boosting strategy call with CJ

    • A 30-minute pre-recorded webinar on your stress response and energy output

    • A customised 7-day meal plan for sustained energy

    • An AM meditation and journal prompts to boost energy and creativity

    • A bonus 15-mins call with CJ (1 month post-session)

    • Optional (at an extra cost), 1 week Voxer support from CJ

  • This offer is specifically designed for female business owners who are:

    • Post-launch recovery mode after their energy and time were stretched to their limits, and looking for a pick-me-up.

    • In the midst of a surge in their professional growth; their business is flourishing, but their energy isn't catching up.

    • Healthy, but something feels 'off'. They don't need a massive overhaul; they just want to reignite their passion and fall back in love with their work again.

  • To access all the materials, you will need a Notion account (a free plan is fine), as this is where everything will be stored for you.

    Our 1-1 session will be via Zoom-you'll be sent the link to join the call when you book in your session.

    The pre-recorded webinar will be in the Notion dashboard, linked in a Loom video. You do not need a Loom account to watch the video.

    Your 7-day meal plan and journal prompts will be linked and hosted in the Notion dashboard.

    Your AM meditation will be an audio recording, link in the Notion dashboard.

    If you choose further 7-day support from CJ, this will be in Voxer.

  • Yes! Your payment options are:

    • £375 GBP PIF

    • £187.50 x2

  • We do not offer refunds for this service.

    However, you are able to reschedule the call if you notify CJ within 24 hours before the call.

  • We get that life can get in the way--so you are able to reschedule your call as long as you re-book leaving 24 hours notice.

    If it's within 24 hours, we don't offer reschedules unless in certain circumstances, so please DM CJ on Instagram or email cj@onherplate.com in this case.

    If you are late to your session, the clock will run down, we will not extend the call time.


Time for you CEO Espresso?

Effortlessly operate at maximum capacity in your business without pushing yourself to your limits every day.

Serving up again in October 2024